All our cell phone cases are climate neutral!
At NECKLACY we care about nature! Shocking pictures of tons of plastic swimming through the oceans or deforested forests make us sad. Therefore we decided to do something about it.
On one side is the plastic. Our cases are also made of plastic, there is nothing we can do about that at the moment. First we thought about a kind of cashback, which our customers get if they send us the old case back for recycling. On closer inspection, however, we would provide thousands of return points or even more returns. This would produce such a large amount of CO2 that the whole system would no longer be worthwhile for environmental reasons. Therefore we decided against it.
Our plan to reduce new plastic production is to use more recycled materials. We plan to bring a recycled case to the market as early as 2019. So, keep up to date and follow us.
To make sure we are already doing something in the right direction before then, we have joined a project that is working against the deforestation of the rainforest. ClimatePartners are active in many worldwide projects to reduce the emission of CO2. The project we support directly is located in Papua New Guinea. From every product sold, a part of the profit goes to this project and thus helps to protect the last untouched spots of nature on this planet.
On site, the "April Salumei Rainforest" was partially cleared commercially. An area the size of 3 big cities is deforested here every day. The local community has a strong connection to nature and is constantly trying to protect their homes and farms as well as nature. We support this.
Our donations are used to install e.g. solar lamps in schools, hospitals and private homes. But our support is also used to build educational opportunities for e.g. sustainable agriculture and to protect endangered species.
We thank you for your support by choosing our products!
Here are some on-site impressions: